Thursday 15 March 2012

Meanwhile ......

There are still two chicks from yesterday that I do not think are quite strong enough to move across to be shoved and bashed around in the brooder by their peers yet. The brown & black one was in the brooder for a short time yesterday but was clearly still too tired so back to the incubator it went. They can stay in the incubator for up to three days without food and water because of the air humidity and temperature regulation. They are up and about for short bursts and then are pretty much flat out for a few minutes before perking up again. The two remaining eggs you can see in the brooder are still very much alive to my surprise. I had heard one of them 'pipping' away inside the egg yesterday, but today they are both positively tweeting. I had thought all the action was over but am hoping there may be a couple more deliveries later today. Watch this space ..............

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